Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back to the grind...

Well after having a FABULOUS 8 weeks off from work (stressing for 4 weeks because we had no where to live, 2 weeks on vacation, and the rest planting my butt on the couch catching up with soaps -haha) I am back to work. I started working for my husband's employer a week ago as the Administrative Assistant to the Community Infrastructure Department...it has been interesting coming from my employer in Texas. It's just different not in a bad or good way...Lots of pros and cons ;)

What's been going on with us? Well really, not a whole lot. Tessa started daycare and that has been very difficult for her, after being home with me 24/7. But she will adjust just like she did before. She was in tears the 2nd day because she wanted to go to work with us. And I thought she didn't really like being with us 24/7. I often wondered if she was bored with me. I always felt like I couldn't keep her occupied long enough.

The weather you ask...

OMG it's much cooler than we are use to for sure. Today I woke up and was wondering what that humming sound was, come to find out our FURNACE kicked on because it had dropped down to 48 degrees last night! Oh I know you are all saying what the heck did you move to Canada for then if you don't like the cold. It's not that I don't like the cold I just thought we would have a few more weeks. I'm not prepared yet. We don't really have any warm clothing yet.

Well back to life...I will try to post some recent funny video's of Tessa.


2.5 Henrys said...

who's the slacker now?!?! you better post sumthin' new, sista!

Anonymous said...

Hey there - I came on here looking for updates on you guys and there's nothing new!

I miss you...come back to Texas! Its much warmer here! ;) Love you and hope all is well!

2.5 Henrys said...

hi, my name is alicia's blog, and i need an UPDATE! :) hehehehe